Hosted by Women in CX Founder and CEO Clare Muscutt, tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in Customer Experience and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too. No longer rehashing the same old conversations, you can expect provocative discourse, increasingly meaty topics, and of course, plenty of debate as we seek to challenge the CX status quo and unleash the power of women to lead the way ahead – ensuring we don’t lose that human touch!

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
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Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
How Jeannie made her way into the world of CX
How she first discovered her ability to adapt to new situations.
Discussing the current climate and changes in the world of CX and business more broadly.
The growth of brand integrity and required congruence with customer experience.
How to adapt your life and business to meet challenges and change.
The pivot consultants are making into content creation and providing thought leadership outside of conferences and events.
The importance of inclusive design and representation in decision making groups.
Jeannie's advice for WICX to help us develop resilience and adaptability.

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
We had the pleasure of having Founder and Chief Experience Officer of Experience Investigators, Diane Magers on the show to share her incredible years of wisdom with us.
I really enjoyed our conversation which included Diane revealing something few people know about her past that had a huge impact on her approach to life.
We covered so many topics, including:
- Her journey from clinical psychology into Marketing and CX and what she learned along the way.
-What it was like to be part of the early CX revolution alongside the Great Matriarchs of WICX.
-Diane's theory on ‘The swimming pool moments’ of life. Hers and how it effected her.
- The importance of keep giving back to the CX community.
-Diane's views on how CX evolved and where we are heading as a discipline.
-What it was like being the CEO of the CXPA.
-Her top pieces of advice for budding CX professionals to build their skills.
One of the most poignant moments was when Diane talked about the time she spent as a Clinical Psychologist taking care of people's mental heath at the end of their lives.
She got to talk to hundreds of people at this stage and listened to them talk about what they 'wished' they had done differently.
"Nobody ever wished they had spent more time at work" She said. Which serves as a reminder for all of us to get busy with the 'Business of living'
We hope you enjoy the show!
See ya'll next time!
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Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
🧁"You are the cupcake, everyone else is just the sprinkles"🧁
Launching today’s podcast with a backdrop of uncertainty about the US election, Corona deaths rising again, whole countries returning to lockdown and facing heightened terror threats, I wanted to focus on something lighter.
I met the CX pocket rocket, Head of CX and Employee Engagement and Schindler, Founder of DoingCXRight and all round rising CX star, Stacy Sherman, earlier this year and when she told me this piece of advice passed down from her stock trader mom, it was not only delightful, but it really stuck with me.
As women we are so often guilty of prioritising others, building our lives around partners and careers that we sometimes lose sight of the fact that WE are the cupcake.
Wherever you are today, whatever is going on around you, put yourself first and ensure you only invite people, jobs, relationships, friends and co-workers into your life who add value to your experience.
We can learn a lot from the ‘Stacy’s Moms’ of the world who struck out in pursuit of the lives they wanted to lead. Tune in to hear us talk about more of the lessons we learned from our mothers, Stacy’s metric rise to CX fame and her advice on female leadership now.
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Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Globally, the average workforce participation of women is 50% compared to 75% of men. With such clear evidence of inequality and lack of parity, we need to be asking, why?
The simple fact is women bear the majority of unpaid responsibilites for childcare, get paid less than men for the same work and in some cultures, despite high levels of education, are not afforded the freedom to work due to gender stereotypes.
According to McKinsey, disparity is particularly apparent in the Middle East, where women are the lowest work force participants in the world at just 24.6%.
I was fascinated to hear from this week’s podcast guest, Gulf CX Professional of the Year, Maya Kalifah, about her views on how female empowerment is the key to shifting male attitudes, and how changes being made by GCC leaders will facilitate a brighter future for women to rise up and take their part in the fourth industrial revolution.
Maya is one inspiring woman in CX, so tune in to hear her story of growing up in war-torn Lebanon, witness her incredibly powerful feminism and see how she is using her voice to leverage opportunities for other women, as CX grows at pace in the Gulf Region.
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Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Discrimination against women in the workplace is a very real problem in the UK, & according to the most recent statistics, it’s getting worse!
🤰 54,000 pregnant women have been made redundant, a figure doubled since 2005
👶🏾 The gender pay gap is widening for women returning to work after children at 33% less than men in the 12 years following birth
Whilst there are laws protecting women’s employment rights, The Women and Equalities Commitee says “Urgent action” is needed to give pregnant women and new mothers more protection!
In this snippet of my interview with Jo van Riemsdijk she shared her experience of experiencing stigma from recruiters about being of ‘child bearing age’, becoming pregnant one week into a new job and going into labour whilst at work!
This isn’t the first woman I’ve heard share such a story, or felt the pressure to go back to work immediately or before she is ready, so as not to miss the opportunities of her peers.
Jo and I talked about her experience of becoming a working mother, how she started her own recruitment business CX Talent Ltd with her BFF & her top tips for getting hired during these crazy Covid times.
Feel free to share your thoughts!
(Links in comments below 👇)
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Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
According to Huffington Post, it’s a sad reality that women have been harder hit by the coronavirus pandemic, whether that’s dealing with higher unemployment and job insecurity as a result or bearing the majority of the burden for childcare, homeschooling and other unpaid care work at home.
However, female entrepreneurs and women determined to be their own bosses and change the world around them with their businesses are a silver lining to emerge from the clouds of Covid-19.
That’s one of the reasons I was thrilled to have serial entrepreneur Lara Felix-Omonubi on the show, inspiring us with her latest new venture, starting a new product-led business during a pandemic.
I just loved the way she describes the side hustle… as a way for us to explore creative passions we might not otherwise had chance to, had we not experienced COVID-19.
Tune in to hear more about Lara’s story of becoming an independent black woman, side hustling, patriarchy and the resilience handed down through generations of Nigerian women and find out more about Women in CX by following the links below.
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Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
‘Just because you have 50k followers, it doesn’t make you right about everything’
With influence comes responsibility, so why do some people choose to abuse it?
In the age of social media, ‘influencers’ seemingly have the power to dictate what is right and wrong in their sphere of influence and sometimes even ‘cancel’ people who disagree with their point of view.
Debate, intellectual challenge and solid argument are the cornerstones of freedom of expression and without it, we can’t make progress, especially in fields like Customer Experience.
The game-changers are those whose original thinking goes against the grain of established concepts to yield a fresh perspective and disrupt the status quo with positive effect. This is where true potential lies.
That’s why I was excited to haveI Claire Durrant on the show to talk about her unconventional career journey and lifestyle as a freelance digital nomad, including her story of being cancelled by one such influencer after she was bold enough to call out the misuse of personas in experience design.
Tune into this week’s episode of the Women in CX Podcast to listen-in to Claire’s story, hear about her experience of going freelance, her world travels, our thoughts on the relationship between CX, UX and Service Design and importantly, how she learned to stand up for herself.
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Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Who you work for makes all the difference.
Strike it lucky with a true leader who endorses, champions and supports you gives you all the confidence in the world to go out there and reach for new heights.
But if you have the misfortune to work for someone who micromanages you to the point of distraction, it can leave you doubting your own abilities and if anything, curb your ambition.
For every tale of awesome female leadership, we all have one story of a fellow female who made our lives HELL and in some cases, even bullied.
Thankfully these examples are few and far between. But bouncing back after such an experience isn’t necessarily easy once the damage to our self-confidence is done.
What we need is a community of women who network, support and inspire each other to succeed and as my guest on the show today, Cultivate CX founder Katie Stabler demonstrates, support one another to rise up.
I was thrilled to have Katie on the show to hear her career story, find out how she introduced CX to some very unexpected places in a highly male dominated environment and share our experiences of women supporting women.
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Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Society demands women to be perfect.
Our bodies, our careers, our relationships, our homes and even our mothering skills are all scrutinised and held to impossible standards.
The more we take on, the more the more pressure we feel to be perfect at everything. Which ultimately means we feel we are failing at some (or all) of what is expected of us.
The reality is we are all human and therefore flawed and fallible. And that’s ok!
I was delighted to have founder of Yak CX, Hannah Foley on the show for some real talk about the pressure we feel as women in business to ‘have it all’ and the reality that we probably can’t. (Unless we get Kardashian-rich and outsource all the hard stuff).
Tune in to hear Hannah’s story of building her career in the notoriously male dominated industry that is construction, her adventures in Nepal that led to the birth of her company, Yak CX, and her very honest perspective on the juggling act of motherhood with solopreneurship during lockdown.
She is one inspiring Woman in CX!
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