Hosted by Women in CX Founder and CEO Clare Muscutt, tune in as we share real-talk conversations between women working in Customer Experience and those influencing the CX agenda from the periphery too. No longer rehashing the same old conversations, you can expect provocative discourse, increasingly meaty topics, and of course, plenty of debate as we seek to challenge the CX status quo and unleash the power of women to lead the way ahead – ensuring we don’t lose that human touch!

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Gita Samani, Director of Strategy at Astound Commerce joins Clare Muscutt on the Inspiring Women in CX Podcast to discuss Digital Transformation from a CX point of view and how to avoid the pitfalls of making technology led decisions and evolve your tech stack to enhance customer and employee experience. In this episode Clare and Gita talk about their similarities as women in tech, including experiencing the perils of perfectionism that led them to both recently experiencing burnout. Tune in to hear them discuss:
- How Gita got into CX
- The relationship between Business Analysis and CX
- The challenges with digital transformation
- How to stop CX being the outcome of technology choices
- How to make tech drive customer, employee and business value
- The importance of delivering brand through digital touchpoints
- How to avoid technology-led decisions
- Evolving your tech stack to enhance customer and employee experience
- Managing burn out
- The pandemic impact
- Overwhelm, perfectionism and retesting priorities
- The importance of self care
- The difference between being selfish and setting boundaries
- Gita’s advice for women in CX
To find out more about joining the Women in CX community, visit www.womenincx.community

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Sarah Curran-Usher MBE joins Women in CX Founder and podcast host Clare Muscutt to discuss the evolution of retail customer experience from bricks-and-mortar to pure-play online stores over her 20 years working in the fashion industry. From the importance of getting the basics right to the opportunities presented by the latest data and technology advances, this podcast highlights what it takes to 'sell' CX to senior leaders by balancing the emotional and commercial aspects of CX initiatives, and vitally discusses the need for more women at board level who appreciate the balance required to support decisions that value people as much as numbers.
Tune in to hear more about:
- The moments that shaped Sarah's career
- How she embraced her 'disruptive' nature
- Using her different thinking to fuel success as an entrepreneur
- The highs and lows of starting, scaling, and selling her own business
- Becoming an 'entrepreneur in residence'
- The dangers of CX 'gimmicks'
- Acquisition vs retention in retail
- How to get C-suite onboard
- The differences in female leadership
- Balancing customer, brand, and commercial priorities
- Using behavioural customer data to drive better decisions
- Developing your own resilience
- Sarah's advice for women in CX
You can find out how to join the world's first online membership community for women interested in CX by visiting www.womenincx.community

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Amy Cashman, CEO of Kantar UK's Insights Division, joins Women in CX Founder and podcast host Clare Muscutt to discuss the importance of establishing 'red lines' to create work–life balance, challenging the perception of female senior leadership to set positive examples for women in the workplace, and how brand values impact both the customer and the employee experience.
“Lean into who you are and don’t feel that you have to change to be successful.”
The conversation also delves into…
• The evolution of CX insights
• How brands can amplify or undermine women’s confidence
• The creation of proof-points to deliver on brand promise
• How Amy reached CEO level
• Using CX to create (and to prove) ROI for organisations
• How to create environments within which women thrive
• How evidence of D&I is more important than brand statements
• The importance of authenticity
Visit https://womenincx.community/ for more inspiring content, and to find out how to join the world's first online membership community for women in customer experience.
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Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Have you ever felt excluded? Been interrupted? Or felt shamed?
We have all felt this way at one time or another. But for minorities, this can be a regular occurrence.
Thankfully businesses now recognise the value of diversity and inclusion.
❌ But inclusion isn't an HR policy, D&I training or a hiring initiative.
❌ It isn’t flying rainbow flags during PRIDE.
✔️ Inclusion is creating a space and culture which enables all employees to feel safe to fully bring themselves to work.
✔️ To be seen, heard and celebrated for our differences, and valued for who we are.
My awesome guest on the podcast this week, Lara Hussblebee, identifies as a Queer Woman in CX and came on the show to share how she is using Design Thinking and Human Centred Design to help companies understand and empathise with minority groups, on her mission to include the excluded.
This episode reminds us that the most powerful way to include others is to remember the feeling you experienced, at the moment you felt excluded, and connect with it.
As the most fundamental capability needed to include others is quite simply, Empathy.
The biggest barrier to get over is often language.
Not feeling awkward talking and avoiding conversations ‘just incase I say the wrong thing’
Lara talked passionately about the positive intent to include others being the most important thing.
We all feel awkward when we are more worried about what to say. So let’s lean into that feeling, start the conversation, feel for one another, ask questions and simply listen
Tune in to hear us geek out on CX Design, and talk about:
🌈 Finding our way into CX
🌈 Design Thinking and Human-Centred Design
🌈 The similarities and difference between design disciplines
🌈 The Future of CX
🌈 Being a proud queer woman in CX
🌈 Usability - serving practical needs
🌈 Empathy - serving emotional needs
🌈 Empathy and Gender
🌈 LGBTQ employee experience
🌈 Rainbow Youth
🌈 Co-creation with minority groups
🌈 Intersectional feminism
🌈 Including the excluded through HCD
🌈 Using our skills to support charities
🌈 Maxing communities stronger through HCD
🌈 Helping minority groups feel heard, seen and celebrated
🌈 What it means to be a great ally
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Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
“To break the cycle of female rivalry, we have to believe there is more than one seat at the table"
Female rivalry happens when a woman uses her power to keep another woman down, mistreats her, or competes unfairly.
Here are some from my own experience:
🙅🏼♀️ Being told by my manager to not share my thoughts and opinions in meetings or with the big boss.
🙅🏼♀️ A colleague who took full-credit for my work.
🙅🏼♀️ A senior manager took me to a side room to attack me until I was in tears.
🙅🏼♀️ Confiding in a peer about about a difficult stakeholder, who then told my boss I was “having trouble building relationships.”
It was great to have my latest guest Sharon Boyd on the show, to talk about our more difficult experiences, but even more awesome to talk how the community of women we find ourselves in now, is completely challenging the stereotype.
Tune in to hear us talk about:
💻 The lack of female role models in corporate
💻 Challenging stereotypes of female competition
💻 How amazing the CX community is
💻 Finding a mentor
💻 The importance of male allies
💻 The Internet of Things (IoT)
💻 CX in Facilities Management (FM)
💻 What it was like taking an MBA
💻 The benefits of coaching
💻 Other ways to invest in yourself
We love being Women in CX!!
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Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Talking about talking about CX in tech, the importance of communities for women, and the power of women supporting one another to succeed.
'When women support each other, incredible things happen.'
While both men and women benefit from having a network of well-connected peers, women who also have an inner circle of close female contacts are more likely to land executive positions with greater authority and higher pay.
Why? Women trying to rise up into leadership face cultural and systemic hurdles that make it harder for them to advance.
We overcome the hurdles by forming close connections with others, and learn from the shared experiences of women who have ‘been there and done that’.
Communities for women are special places that make it easier to meet others, share our challenges and find the support we need to make headway.
That’s why I was thrilled to have Anita Siassios on the show to talk about her experience of building communities for women in Cyber security in Australia and how she is working to include indigenous women too.
Tune in to hear us talk about:
🤖 How Anita got into CX
🤖 The growing B2C cybersecurity risks
🤖 Creating communities for women
🤖 Supporting indigenous women in Australia
🤖 Acknowledging white privilege exists
🤖 The future skills needed by WICX
🤖 Building your CX peripheral vision
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Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Talking about joining the circus and how creating magical employee experiences and engagement drove guest experience at Cirque du Soleil.
“Roll up roll up, ladies and gentlemen the show is about to begin!”🎪
Do you remember the thrill of hearing those words?
Live entertainment was undoubtedly one of the hardest hit over the last 12 months, but with a vaccine in sight, I for one can’t wait to be entertained and experience the wonderment of big iconic events again.
I was thrilled to be joined Carolene Meli as my guest on the Women in CX podcast this week as she spent 10 years living and working on the road, leading teams of employees in cities all around the world to deliver the unforgettable guest experience that is Cirque du Soleil!
Tune in to hear us talk about:
🎪 Why Carolene left home & joined the circus
🎪 What it’s like to live and work on the circus road
🎪 The challenges of delivering temporary live experiences
🎪Overcoming cultural and language barriers
🎪 How to manage employee engagement with temporary staff
🎪 Recruitment, onboarding, training, reward and recognition strategies
🎪 Creating magical guest experiences
🎪 Connecting employees with purpose
🎪 Experiencing your own CX
🎪 Carolene’s top tips
🎪 Where she is up to now and heading next
We hope you enjoy the show!
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Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Will the obsession with customer experience metrics be our downfall? 🤔
When you’re part of a discipline which is less than 30 years old in terms of practice and thinking, especially one suffering seismic shifts due to data, technology & digital, it is reasonable to assume nobody truly has all the answers.
Perhaps this is why most customer experience initiatives hinge upon programmes of measures & insights?
CX not being well understood in business means having something tangible to evidence what we do in numerals & characters we can communicate easily to executives, is of high value to us.
But without resources predominantly allocated to using data to take action- to improve, change, innovate and show the commercial impact of action taken, is CX really of value to the organisation?
That’s why I was excited to have an expert like Chloe Woolger from Kantar on the show to have the debate & get her perspective on how to use insights and metrics to drive action.
Tune in to hear us talk about:
⚡️ Her career journey
⚡️ What it’s like working agency side
⚡️ The importance of networking for women
⚡️ Which CX metrics are most useful
⚡️ The NPS debate
⚡️ How to drive action using insights
⚡️ How to prove CX ROI
What are your thoughts?
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Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Amanda Riches talking about CX tech and life lessons, including being a young gay woman in the 90's, succeeding in male dominated industries, and surviving cancer to become the UK’s #1 CX Professional.
‘Life is short and time is precious’
With the CRUK statistics that 1 in 2 people will receive a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives, almost everybody's life will be or have been touched by it in some way.
My guest this week, Amanda Riches shared her personal story of surviving cancer 3.5 times and that amazingly, she is able to reflect on the positives of such a harrowing experience.
Her appreciation of just how precious our time on earth is, was so inspirational.
Especially how it has become the driving force behind her desire to make people’s lives better through her work in Customer Experience.
Tune in to hear more of Amanda’s story, including:
- The challenges she faced in the 90’s
- Coming out as a young gay woman working in a male dominated industry
- Her thoughts on the future of CX and tech
- Her insight into what lessons she learned along the way
- Her advice for women in CX
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Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
‘There are no ‘women of colour’ in Africa’
This week’s Women in CX Podcast guest, The CX Queen of Nigeria, Debbie Akwara came on the show to share her career story and share the moments that shaped her into the formidable woman she is becoming.
Including her shocking recent and first ever experience of being referred to as a ‘woman of colour’ when she dared to challenge the status quo of how the CX community functions in the West.
Whilst being well known across her home continent for years, in the last 12 months she broke through to become globally recognised as a thought leader. And earned her place at the table.
Yet as a woman from Africa, she was made to feel her voice was deemed as less valuable.
More women all over the world are rising up to take their rightful place on global stages, being better enabled by the digital communications and collaboration revolution.
I’m proud the women in CX community is here to amplify the voices of women who are ready to be heard. And those who aren’t ready for us, best get set. As women like Debbie, will not be ignored.
Tune into the podcast to hear:
- More of Debbie's fascinating backstory
-The African CX perspective
-Technology and CX growing pains
-The similarities with Western CX challenges
-How she started her first CX projects
-The importance of business focus in CX
-Finding the right business metrics to aim for
-The lessons she learned from her mentors
-Finding your confidence -Owning your success
-Dealing with racism as she broke through in the West
-The secret to her unstoppable girl power!
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Youtube https://bit.ly/3jdBU2w
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